CHR Resources

Episode 14: holistic growth in college – how expectations shape the experience

Written by CHR | Jun 26, 2024 6:27:21 PM

Episode 14: holistic growth in college – how expectations shape the experience

Relational and social growth are key to holistic development in college, and having a growth mindset allows you to lean into new challenges.

Kendra and Courtney talk through how expectations shape the way we show up to an experience and how to face the challenges of getting connected head-on.

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Discussion Questions with your Friends:

  • What are some expectations about finding community that you have (had) coming into college?
  • How do your expectations about making friends shape the way you enter into that process?
  • In what ways do you think you could develop more of a growth mindset in terms of facing challenges of holistic development during college?
  • What are a few areas of support that you could lean into as you establish community?